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Saturday 15 May 2010


Hello my sweet angel

Its been a long 5 months since mummy got to hold you and kiss you , but also it feels like yesterday , since i watched you pass away and i said goodbye to you ..... oh how its confusing

Mummy wishes i could wake up from this bad dream and everything be back to how it was our little family that i love so much Me daddy You and Freya , because this dream does not have you in it and this dream hurts

When mummuy goes to bed i dream of what could have how you would be now ..

Your beautiful eyes would be shining as you would start to speak more

Your laugh would be more infectious as you played more

You would be a little chunk now as you loved your food (creamy suff)

You would be learning to walk and looking funny trying to walk backwards , just like your crawling

You would be giving lots of love you loved cuddles

You would be shouting for me to move out the way for chugginton (your favourite tv show )

You would be singing and dancing (you and your sister love music)

You would be thier every morning when i wake and i would but you to bed at night

The thing is we would just be us a whole family together me and daddy watching my two babies play

You and your sister are the best thing thats has ever happened to me and i am forever thank full for the 269 day i got with you both together , you are amazing sisters and forever will be i know your sister love and misses you she kisses your picture all the time and says your name you are half to her whole always .. she willl never forget her beautiful wonderful sister , you have made us all so proud

I love you too the moon and back and more for ever and always sweet dreams angel